Thalasso Explained - Its Importance In Skincare

The International Federation of Thalassotherapy defines thalassotherapy as the “simultaneous use, under medical supervision and with a preventive or curative purpose, of the benefits of the marine environment”. Thalasso is a concept that harnesses the power of ocean and marine bioclimate to benefit the human body. The use of thalasso concepts in skincare has become increasingly popular with the benefits that seawater, sand, and seaweed provide to the body. The connection between the sea and wellness is a concept Anion Essentials is built upon. Keep reading to learn the benefits of using a Thalasso routine and how your everyday skincare can be improved.

What Is Thalassotherapy?

The foundation of thalassotherapy is built upon the ocean and its elements. The term “thalasso” comes from the Greek word “thalassa” which means ocean. Using products from the sea, like sand and seaweed, can expose the skin to many health benefits. When the skin absorbs minerals from the ocean, like sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iodine, those nutrients can drastically improve one's overall health. 

Benefits Of A Thalasso Routine

Anion Essentials is built upon thalasso concepts for all of our skincare. The healing powers of the sea, like sea salt and algae, can alleviate and heal the body and provide better well-being. Okay, but how does that relate to bathing in seaweed? Well, when it comes to minerals and trace elements, a lot. Back in 1962, the University of Rennes, France, wanted to determine if minerals can effectively be assimilated into the body trans-dermally; in other words, can applying a seaweed mask or bathing in seaweed allow for the penetration of these vital minerals to nourish our skin and body.  Studies proved conclusively that ionized minerals did indeed penetrate with traces of iodine found in liver and kidney biopsies.

The findings helped the medical thalassotherapy spas that line the coast of France to provide rehabilitation therapies to their patients. Another finding was that once out of the bath, it was better to gently pat down the skin with a towel, leaving as much of the invisible seaweed residue on the skin's surface. The reason is that most of the benefits to the skin occur within the first two hours of bathing.

Anion Essentials was then created. Our products blend different algae species, sea salts, and seven organic essential oils. Our products will re-mineralize your skin and body, leave your skin satiny and smooth, and help promote detoxification.

Shop Anion Essentials Today For Thalasso Concept Therapies

Anion Essentials is the leading skincare brand founded upon thalasso therapies. We believe that harnessing the power of the ocean is so powerful. Using marine-dense extracts in all of our products is what separates us! From our scrubs and soaks to our castor oil, we only take the best ingredients from France and Iceland to curate a perfect skincare regimen. Shop all of our products here!